can the KM921 KM1049 KM1040 and KM660 camloc series still be obtained?

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are the camloc KM series obsolete and can they still be obtained KM921-1, KM918-1, KM920-1 KM919-1, KM1049-1-1AA, KM1050-1-1AA, KM1050-1-1AB, KM1040-1-1AA, KM1042-1-1AA, KM640, KM1041-1-1AA, KM640 KM1041-1-1AA, KM660, KM628, KM630, KM631, KM638


Parts might be still produced but require a minimum of purchase of 3000 pieces at a cost of around 10 USD per piece

Estimate lead time will be 20 weeks.  And these parts would have to be prepaid upon order.


however, if you can move to following standard products:




You might also evaluate to use other series, and since you have a small total thickness to fasten

I would transition to the fasteners that do the same job

small forces: foldable bail handle MTHTLFB-11Z

medium forces:  MHSTLFB-6Z

The heavy duty series (there exists also a foldable version)

For instance HHSTLFB-7Z


Could you please tell me the thickness of panel

P =?

F = ?


Then I can suggest the part correct numbers






Camloc is a registered brand name from