can we buy BMG Securits products from Anemo?

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Yes you can buy BMG Securits products from Anemo.


Anemo Engineering is official distributor of BMG Securits.

Please do send your enquiry about BMG Securits nuts.

BMG Securits is the company that has manufactured Frenvis Locknuts which are difficult to obtain.

If you need BMG securits parts, please do contact us.

We will be happy to assist you

Please don't hesitate to contact a sales engineer at

 BMG Securits nuts

BMG Securits uses high quality standards to manufacture quality nuts.  The activity where BMG Securits is specialised is the manufacturing of BMG Securtis nuts.
BMG Securits nuts are called in French BMG Securits ecrous.  BMG Securits prefers to work through approved vendors;  Anemo Engineering is an approved distributor of BMG Securits.


