Do you supply original Howmet Aerospace parts?

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Yes, we do supply products that are made by the company camloc Howmet Aerospace..

In fact, Howmet Aerospace was previously called Arconic Fastening Systems, which was before that Alcoa Fastening system & ring products and before that called fairchild fasteners.
However, the name has changed again from Arconic Fastening Systems to ..
Now the company is called Howmet Aerospace Camloc Gmbh.

It's our speciality, as the largest stockist and distributor of camloc Howmet Aerospace in Europe we're proud to be able to supply original manufactured parts, if you need proof of genuine products simply ask us to provide the certificate of conformity. We supply the original turnlock parts across the globe.

We only do sell genuine Howmet Aerospace products.

Howmet Aerospace products are Quarter turns, latches and keenserts ®.

if you need more information about Howmet Aerospace products, please contact our team.


camloc and Keenserts ®

are registered trade brands of Howmet Aerospace Fastening Systems
