How does the installation tool T98-1 work?

The installation tool T98-1 is used to install the retaining washers from the 2600F, 2700F and 99F series.  It's not mandatory to use this tool to install the retaining washer.  Since the tool is costly, we see that mostly only military and aerospace companies purchase the tool to install their camloc washers: V2600-LW-7 , 2600-LW-6 , 2600-LW, 2600-LWM , 99W10-01A1 , 99W10-01M1, 27S5-1 , 27S5-1M, 27S5-1BM ,V27W01-1AN.camloc installation tool T98-1


Industrial companies purchase the tool when they have to install a large number of retaining washers (from 500 pcs onwards). For safety reasons, it's better to have employees use this tool as installing washers manually can result in hand injuries such as cuts.

installation tool T98-1 with protection cap


In the video below we demonstrate how to install a retaining washer (V2600-LW-7 with the installation tool T98-1):
