What is a HS-code?

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In the international trade context, HS-code are commonly used. The Harmonized System-code is a code used by customs to categorize goods. It is also known as GN-code , taric code or goodscode. But when do you need such as a code and how can you find it?

A HS-code is a code used by customs officers worldwide to categorize products. Each product has a HS-code. The HS-code is also known as GS-code, GS (Geharmoniseerd System).  A HS-code of a product consist of 6 digits. Almost all countries in the world use the same HS-code. The list can be found on the website of World Customs Organization.

Throughout the import and export process for goods the goods-code is used to facilitate customs clearance and ensure correct duties and tax calculation, the HS code is found on our commercial invoice under Intrastat.

HS code Anemo

Each country can exceptionally include more digits. In the EU is used 8 digits code for export of goods of the EU, the 2 digits more. An 8-digits goods code is known also as GN-code, GN code means Combined Nomenclature - Gecombineerde Nomenclatuur. For Import of goods in EU you need a 10-digits code, the +4 digits thus the 10-digits code is called Taric code.

You can also find instratat = HS code ( intrastat) on the following blogs



