Why can't I install imperial locking keenserts with the pneumatic tool?

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The reason you can't install the imperial locking type keenserts with the pneumatic tool is due to the cylindrical countersink at the inner thread.

Because of this cylindrical countersink at the inner thread, the upper wall thickness is rather thin.

When pressing the keys in with the pneumatic tool in a quick way and especially into harder materials,

this can cause wall collapse or defomation due to the high force of the pneumatic tool.

Furthermore the countersink does not leave enough revolutions of the thread above the locking (in the middle of the insert), to handle the pulling forces from the pneumatic tool when pressing in the keys with the pneumatic tool.


Cylindrical countersink at the inner thread:


For more information on the inserts or the pneumatic tool, feel free to contact an engineer on info@anemo.eu



Keenserts is a registered brand name from