Nut - ESNH80M8X125R80

Nut - ESNH80M8X125R80
Single slotted locking nut

This part ESNH80M8X125R80 is a single slotted locking nut with a low profile. The profile measures 80% of the internal diameter. This part is no longer available and we advice you to swith to the valid Auto-Lok Nut alternative :


Thread Size M8X1,25
Material GradeClass 10 steel
Finish GradeClear zinc plated - RoHS conform


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Thread diameter d M8
Thread pitch 1,25
Key width s 13
Nut height h 6.4

technical ESNH80M8X125R80

Mechanical properties NF EN ISO 2320 (NFE 25035)

Thread properties ISO 965-2 quality 6H