Is Anemo Engineering CBAM compliant and how can you declare CBAM?

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8th of February 2024

yes, we got into the EU system of CBAM register

Here are the steps to do in order to file the CBAM-reports:

1. Registration at social security ( Sociale Zekerheid)

we verified that, and since we already have people working at Anemo, we alredy had access to the online social security of Belgium.

De ondernemingen moeten voorafgaandelijk over een beveiligde toegang tot de portaalsite van de Sociale Zekerheid(externe link) beschikken.


2. add the roll ‘TAXUD’

We added the roll of TAXUD in the online protal of our governent, we invited also our accounts department to get that roll

Om als gebruiker van het Trader Portal te worden erkend, moet u over een rol ‘TAXUD’ beschikken. Dit gebeurt via de applicatie Mijn eGov-rollenbeheer.

3. access ot the Trader Portal

We can now login on tijdelijke CBAM-register(externe link).


on the page WAYF-(Where are you from – Waar komt u vandaan?) we've filled in the necessarry fields:

  • Domein van applicatie: Douane
  • Authenticatie land: Belgium
  • Soort gebruiker: Marktdeelnemer


7th of February 2024

- we will follow an online course how to file CBAM with voka, we requested a date when this will start.
- we are in the current process of registering in the CBAM transition register and will try to start to enter data: however at this moment we could not go through the process of identification, simply we can't login

again an example of European Bureacracy


31st of January 2024

Anemo Engineering had to report the first time the CBAM, we missed the deadline.  simply because we only got notified by fedex on the 25th of January.  we contacted at that moment the chamber of commerce, and got a reply on the 31st of December with the following statement:

- we need to investigate if the steel of the imported product, originates from the European Union, in this case, we do not need to file CBAM for those products
- we contacted Fedex, if they can do the CBAM reporting on our behalf. Fedex replied on the 2nd of February that they will not do this.

it means that we will have to do it ourselves.


note: it's crazy European bureaucracy : The guideline standard values that importers can initially use apperaed only a few days before Christmas 2023.


